Friday, December 5, 2008

Max and Mother Goose!

Max has a terrific kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Wallace. I was lucky enough to be able to attend his Mother Goose Program!

We arrived ALL of the students were in their place on the platform stage and were as STILL as could be, were these kids REALLY 6 year olds!

As soon as everyone was seated Mrs. Wallace began her magic, wow, what a talented and loving teacher she is! This darling children sang their hearts out, had great action moves for the songs and also displayed their art work for other songs.

We were treated to cookies and milk when it was over! Congratulations Max your program was a wonderful success and I loved that you knew the words to ALL the songs!!

1 comment:

suni said...

it was a great program, huh?! he's a lucky kid to have such an amazing teacher. thanks for coming - he loves to perform! :)