Friday, May 23, 2008

5 Great Years!!!

Well I'm only a day late. I want these two kids to know how proud I am of them!! They are both so hard working. They care about others and most of all they are terrific parents to our Isabella Mae, she is one lucky little lady!! On their wedding day it was a blistering 98 degrees (maybe a little too hot!), sunny, blue skies, no rain or wind, it was a perfect day in everyway! Love and hugs to you both!!!


ermakaluso said...

Doug is looking really cute in that picture. (So is Linds.)x vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv n,, That was from Sofi.

linds said...

ya, the stash really ages doug...and its gross. thanks for your help with izz. she loves nana and papa.