Saturday, June 21, 2008

Bits and Pieces.....

Well where does the time go?! First some good news, I have gone almost 2 weeks without locking my keys in my car, I also had 3 keys made and they are in various different places, just in case I do it again!

I have been making quite a few runs to Herriman, Sandy, Draper, Layton back and forth. I'll tell you this gas thing is making me crazy! I am trying to slow down, it really does improve gas mileage, I tested it on one tank. Then I was totally late and of course since I had a new full tank of gas I decided going a little faster was in order so I wouldn't be too late!!

LaVon invited me to play in a golf tournament June 17 and she wanted us to go out and practice before the big day. Here we are at Lakeside having a great time! She is so much fun, we laugh and cry together a lot! We both played pretty good. For my first time I actually played real well. I was pumped up and ready for the tournament.......well the first 3 holes I did ok and then I really fell apart, taking 8, 9, even a 10 on one hole. I was pretty discouraged. Even so we won $10 each! We have also decided to try to play each week with Joe and Randy. This past Thursday was our first time out with them......well I had a couple of good holes. I have definitely decided to call and get some golf lessons going!


suni said...

no photo? what up with that? and did you really post this on the 21st? i think something is wacko!

Nana Sue said...

Hey, don't let the cat out of the bag!!!

janetha. said...

hahah sneaky...

ermakaluso said...

I know where I get my forgetfulness from!! You and LaVon are always up to some adventure!