Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Lost Week.....

Well here I am again playing catch up! Last week seemed to fly by and I was doing ok until I hit Thursday. I had spent Wednesday in Herriman showing homes and needed to go back out on Thursday. I was racing to Office Max to get a few office supplies, mainly small three ring notebooks and some ink for my printer. I was on the phone, jumped out of my car, pushed auto lock and slammed the door........oops, keys were not in MY hand or purse, keys were still in the ignition IN the car.
No worry, I have On Star, one easy call that's all. Imagine my surprise to be told "ma'am, you no longer have the on star service, your vehicle is an old school analog piece of junk and you need the high tech digital mechanism so we can find your junky car and unlock it for you!" So they transferred me to road side service and I realized after about 5 minutes that I was glad I wasn't bleeding to death because it was taking way too long to be connected. I hung up and called my dear friend Susan at the office and begged her to bail me out.......as always she cheerfully said she would be right there. We made a run to our home, I found Randy's extra key (thanks RDB for confirming the location of said key!) and then back down to Office Max, oh by the way, while waiting for Susan I ran in to buy my supplies and was so ruffled that I FORGOT the binders, I did however get the printer ink! I was able to hurry to Herriman for my appointment.

The buyer's in Herriman have decided to rent for a little while and then look for a home. It was good to make a connection with past clients, they are awesome people! Her name is Tracy and she has a hair bow business, it is http://www.harebows.com/ and has super affordable hair bows, check it out!!
I tried hard to find a photo of a cute set of car keys, no luck, but you all know what keys look like anyway right?

Then on Friday I was able to help tend this cute doll, Izzy, while Linds was out of town and Dougie was getting some work done. Izz is a terrific shopper. We ran out to find my friend LaVon a birthday surprise and found ourselves at Deseret Book. Isabella LOVES to read books so I told her to pick one out......she couldn't decide on one to buy so we ran over to Seagul Book, much better inventory of really cheap books!! Izzy picked up one right away and then I got a few things, but alas she spotted one green stuffed bunny and 2 purple ones, she carried all three around for quite a while, looked at a few greeting cards. I could not sway her to a book, she really liked the $2.49 bunny and she finally chose the green one, what a pill. She did not want to give it up for the clerk to scan it, so we held up the tag and the clerk had to "shoot" it with the gun to ring it up!

Now it was lunch and then nap time, we headed out to my car and can you even believe it.......... the keys were NOT in my purse-they were hiding in the ignition AGAIN!!!

How does this happen to someone as well put together as me you ask??!! Well I am certain I am totally losing it. This time I called my terrific daughter Suni to see if she could bail me out (again), hooray, she was available and ran right to the house, got the key (good thing I had put it away!) came right over and for her time and trouble we all went to lunch at Wendy's! Thanks a ton Suni you're the best! Her sweet husband had a great solution to help my "locking keys in car" syndrome, this cute handy and ever so sylish retractable key chain. Don't you all think this would look just grand hanging on my waistband?? Knowing me I would inadvertently unhook it and leave it in the car as I am talking on my phone, getting out and locking the door, again...!!

I almost didn't tell Randy about the second time. He was so sweet the first time, making sure I found the key, checking back to make sure I was able to get in the car and not once did he ask me how I managed to do it or WHY did I do it. But boy oh boy, I was sharing the stories with the Johnsons and told them about the second time and how great Randy was the first time, well after telling my story about the second time, dad smiled at me and quietly said "idiot"! I had to agree, I was a total idiot for doing it the second time!! So I will be making my way to Mac's lock and key, have them make oh, maybe 5 or 6 keys and place them in stragetic spots around town, you may all end up with a spare key to my car!! Maybe even make one into a really cool necklace!!

So another week in review. Happy traveling to you all!!


suni said...

glad to help. ya - not an idiot, just really talented. i mean, what are the chances? only you. be sure i get one of those spares! i'm always home and waiting to bail you out.

Nana Sue said...

What sweet girls I have! Thanks for your vote of confidence. Hey you're right, after all if I gave all of you my thick hair genes, it only seems right that you got the brainpower too!! Good thinking! :))

janetha. said...

youre so funny. no wonder i am such a challenged person.. i do the same things, all the time. luckily i have a marshall in my back pocket! that is so funny that it was not once but twice. i love it, and you!

linds said...

i love the details of your stories...i can totally picture your frazzled brain working away. you are one smart lady...the keys are just human error. thanks again for playing with isabella...she obviously loves to shop. i am glad you could witness it first hand.

Di and Justin said...

that made my day... I guess you need for the next holiday a "hide-a-key".. I have to have one strategically place around my car for that same reason... :)

janetha. said...

hey mom. click this link.


janetha. said...

ugh it did not work.

try to type this into your navigation bar.

only all as one line, no spaces or anything. too much effort for a funny joke....