Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Mmmm, I'm lovin' the blackberry!!!!

Those of you who know me real well (all of you 5 or 6 blog readers!) know I suffer from techno-phobia, the fear of moving forward in the huge world of technology......well dad got a BlackBerry a few months ago, I watched him study for well over 3 or 4 hours a couple of nights in a row and I thought, Whoa, no way, if he is studying that hard I'll NEVER figure out something that complicated. Randy just kept saying how much he LOVED his BlackBerry (I thought he was nuts!) Then I started calling Verizon to see what it would cost, what the plan would be, just in case by some small miracle I actually decided I might sorta want to take this big leap forward. The date was March 24, I could get an upgrade. Well the date came and went, I called Verizon again to ask even more questions, gads this is not rocket science or brain surgery, it is a phone!! Finally on April 1 (how appropriate, All Fool's Day!) I spent over 2 hours in the Go Verizon store with their very young techno geeks (who could almost be my grand kids) who helped set me up with my very own BlackBerry (I really love raspberries and feel inclined to call mine just that since it is red!) So about 6 or 8 months ago I really thought the following photo was just what they look like, blueberries and blackberries. Never did I think that word would also be attached to something that doesn't even come close to resembling a berry!

So here we are folks. I am now into my 16th day of BlackBerry use. Can I just say I LOVE it (and I am not nuts!!) It really is pretty awesome. The best part is that I can get and send e-mails all day long right from my car, office, store, etc. Then there are other "best" parts like being able to check every one's blog and seeing those darling photos of all of my grand kids as soon as their mom's post them. The cut and paste feature is pretty awesome too. Oh, I can't for get the darling ring tones they have that I have set up to alert me when I have a text, or an e-mail. It is even set to send a ring tone 15 minutes before all of my appointments, wow, can you stand it!!! I have the old school ring for when someone actually calls me, I have wanted that tone for a long time! It really is amazing. I was at Institute last night and a fellow wondered about a price of a home, I told him I'd find out and let him know.....then my feeble brain kicked in gear, I pulled out my BlackBerry and got on the inter net, went to the Multiple Listing Service and pulled up the whole listing, wahoo!! No more waiting for an agent to call me back or calling my wonderful daughters to say HELP, CAN YOU LOOK UP AN ADDRESS FOR ME!!! I am forever grateful to my girls for helping me, now you guys can call ME for addresses, numbers, etc!! So there you have it, my giant leap into the techno world, I'm sure this little device does many other things I have yet to discover, perhaps I will post again when I have discovered other amazing features!!

Isn't the red one just the cutest thing you have ever seen????


suni said...

way to go mom! you have arrived and are officially a phone geek. can i say i'm just a little jealous? :)

ermakaluso said...

I told you that you would love it. So glad that you do! And I am so glad you kept the red raspberry.

janetha. said...

hahaha you are sucha nerd... i love it