Thursday, April 24, 2008

Okay, Enough Already!!!!

Can you believe this!! Taken from my front door this morning! Yes I know - I was the one who prayed for snow way back when and was even guilty of saying "let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!" However, this is Spring, it is April 24, not December 24!! Snow is not an appropriate item for Mother Earth to be wearing at this time of the year!! She should be in at least partial sun and beautiful blue skies, capris and flip flops!
This one off of our back deck, brrr, heat in home is set at 75!!!


ermakaluso said...

That looks too cold. I won't complain when it is merely a little windy here. Spring will come...and then Summer will and THEN we will!!

Nana Sue said...

Wahoo, you're right, can't wait!!