Monday, July 14, 2008

Hours, Days, Weeks, etc.......

Well time, days and weeks keep continuing to fly by and I am left wondering what I am doing will all of MY time, days and weeks!! I will try another recap. I really have been busy. I have recently take over management of a really neat club house, swimming pool and sales office building. It is about 35 miles away and I have been out there at least three times. I had to fill the swimming pool up to the full line, it was probably about 7 inches from the top......a 60,000 gallon pool!
I spent 7 hours one day with 2 garden hoses.......well needless to say I really didn't make a dent in it. I did some research and found a great company called Water Movers (catchy huh?). Here I am with a much BIGGER hose, 4" to exact and boy can it every "move" the water!

These two helpful guys met me there and we used the fire hydrant to fill this huge pool, even so it still took almost 3 hours!! Below you can see the wonderfully FULL pool. It was important to my sanity that I post plenty of these full pictures. The pool is not supposed to be clean, only full so the gunite doesn't pop out of the ground. Some of you may say it is dangerously full, I say nah, it now has plenty of extra water to aid in the evaporation process. Thanks to the Water Movers and of course my garden hoses!!


ermakaluso said...

An extra special thanks to those oh-so-fast garden hoses that helped top things off. What was the rate we figured out on the garden hose?!

janetha. said...

well it is nice to put an image on what you have been telling me about all this time! i am glad youf inally posted something...and you hardly ever post yourself in photos so i enjoyed that too!!

linds said...

ditto to neefs comment, good to see you in the photos. so this is what you have been up to.